Custom Team Gear For All Ages
Being the League Administrator is a full time job. There are coaches and volunteers to manage as well as schedules and field assignments to coordinate. The idea of setting up a clothing sale or ordering gear for all of your players and coaches can feel impossible. There are forms to fill out and payments to collect, then you need to figure out how to get the gear to the players and parents.
There’s also the gear and apparel itself. Boys & girls elite travel teams, regular travel squads, recreation teams and volunteers, all with different requirements and different budgets. That’s where Pro-Am Athletics can help.
We can make it easy as sharing a link to our online store via text message and social media - then bam, everyone can purchase their team, and fan gear for the upcoming season. We will add your customized team gear to our online store. A direct link to the jersey's, t-shirts and hoodies your team wants.